- Modern theatre
EnglishAge recommendation
12+A primal call to an absurd party marathon
- Production
- Venue
Tanssin talo
Services and how to get there - Duration
1 h, no intermission
- Language
- Surtitles
no surtitles
- Notes
Loud music

What others are saying
“Incredible virtuosity”
New York Times
“A primal scream and visual bombshell” DeMorgen

Can one song change the world?
Concept, directing and set design | Miet Warlop |
Text | Miet Warlop advised by Jeroen Olyslaegers |
On stage | Simon Beeckaert, Elisabeth Klinck, Willem Lenaerts/Gilles Vandecaveye- Pinoy, Milan Schudel, Melvin Slabbinck, Joppe Tanghe, Karin Tanghe, Wietse Tanghe sekä Stanislas Bruynseels, Rint Dens †, Judith Engelen, Marius Lefever, Luka Mariën, Flora Van Canneyt, Max Colonne |
Music | Maarten Van Cauwenberghe and working group |
Costume design | Carol Piron, Filles à Papa |
Lighting design | Dennis Diels |
Dramaturgy | Giacomo Bisordi |
Assistant dramaturgy | Kaatje De Geest |
Production management | Greet Prové |
Technical production & stage manager | Oliver Houttekiet, Patrick Vanderhaegen |
Tourmanager | Carla Beeckmans |
Technique | Flup Beys, Dietrich Lerooij, Gilles Roosen, Bart Van Hoydonck, Raf Willems, Laurent Ysebaert, Pieter Kinoli, Bart Vincent, John Hellinx, Jurgen Techel, Laura Vayssier |
Realisation, props and costumes | NTGent |
Thanks to | Kris Auman, Imran Alam, Barbara Vackier, Jasper Houttekiet, de familie Warlop, Rossana Miele, Lotte Van Craeynest, Christel Simons, Patrick Vanderhaegen, Diana Campbell Betancourt |
Production | NTGent, Miet Warlop / Irene Wool vzw |
Coproduction | Festival d'Avignon, DE SINGEL (Antwerp), Tandem Scène Nationale (Arras-Douai), Théâtre Dijon Bourgogne Centre dramatique national, HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin, La Comédie de Valence - Centre dramatique national Drôme - Ardèche, Teatre Lliure (Barcelona) |
With support of | De Vlaamse Overheid, de stad Gent, Tax Shelter van de Belgische Federale Overheid |
Info and distribution | Frans Brood Productions |
- Regular32 €
- Ticket bundle 4+26 €
- Pensioner25 €
- Group ticket 20+25 €
- Student, unemployed20 €
- Festival passes from Espoon teatteri's box office starting from54 €
5.3.2024 14.00-17.00 UNITED – Out of the Bubble5.3. at 20.15 Opening party 6.3. at 18.15 Intro feat. Saara Moisio & Liisa Pentti
Our opening seminar about innovative and creative citizen participation . The seminar’s structure commits to local participation and inclusive ways of engaging citizens of different cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
Kupla (Kauppamiehentie 7)
Join us for an unmissable festival shindig in Tanssin talo, after the opening performance of One Song!
The Intros, featuring special guests, guide us into the themes of the performance. This event is in Finnish.