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5.3.2024 14.00-17.00
KUPLA (Kauppamiehentie 7, Kulttuuriaukio, 02100 Espoo)

Tervetuloa &FEST – Focus Gent -festivaalin avajaiseminaariin. Festivaalin avaavat 5. maaliskuuta Espoon ja Gentin johtajat.

Gentin ja Espoon kaupungeilla on paljon yhteistä: ne molemmat ovat luovia, innovatiivisia kaupunkeja, joissa on johtavat yliopistot ja monimuotoinen asukaskunta.

Seminaari pureutuu paikalliseen osallistumiseen ja osallistamisen tapoihin, joilla eri kulttuuri- ja kielitaustaiset ihmiset saadaan mukaan toimintaan. Tämä vastaa myös EU:n kevään 2024 puheenjohtajavaltiona toimivan Belgian valitsemien painopisteiden henkeä eli kulttuuria ja osallistumista.

Yhdessä saamme syvemmän ymmärryksen toisistamme sekä luomme kulttuurin ja taiteen menelmien avulla kestäviä tapoja poliittiseen, sosiaaliseen ja kulttuuriseen osallistumiseen. Seminaari on hyödyllinen etenkin poliitikoille, virkamiehille, yhdistysten ja yhteisöjen edustajille, toimittajille sekä alueen yrityksissä, taiteen ja kulttuurin parissa työskenteleville ihmisille.

Tapahtuman järjestävät Espoon kaupunki ja & Espoon teatteri yhteistyössä Aalto-yliopiston kanssa. &FEST – FOCUS GENT tuo 5.-28.3. Espooseen kuusi upeaa esitystä gentiläisiltä esittävän taiteen ryhmiltä, jotka tunnetaan erittäin korkeasta taiteellisesta profiilistaan ja laajasta yhteistyöstään.


Espoon kaupungin avajaispuhe: Mervi Katainen, Espoon kaupunginhallituksen puheenjohtaja

Sosiaalinen sitoutuminen ja kulttuurialoitteet Gentissä: Sami Souguir, Gentin kulttuurin apulaispormestari

Osallistavia menetelmiä eri kulttuuritaustaisten kansalaisten osallistaminen kaupungin palveluiden kehittämiseen: Annukka Svanda, Aalto-yliopiston muotoilun laitoksen väitöskirjatutkija

Vox Populi -osallistamisprojekti: Daniela Borgström, Yufei Chen ja Jamie Kinsella Smyth, Aalto-yliopisto


"There are not enough problems in psychiatry" Osallistavat käytännöt Gentissä: Lucinda Ra -kollektiivi ja Viernulvierin Stadsatelier: Simon Allemeersch, taiteilija, tutkija

Mitä jos kaikki kokisivat, että heillä on ääni? näkökulma sosiaaliseen osallisuuteen: Fadumo Ali, yrittäjä, toimitusjohtaja, sairaanhoitaja


Teemu Haapalehto, Maahanmuuttoasioiden johtaja, Espoo
Lien Van de Velde, kulttuurijohtaja, Gent
Simon Allemeersch, taiteilija, Gent
Mania Alkhatib, Suomi-Syyria Ystävyysseuran toiminnanjohtaja
Daniela Borgström, palvelumuotoilun opiskelija, Aalto-yliopisto

& moderaattorina Ahmed Al-Nawas, taiteilija ja taiteen kuraattori

Seminaarin jälkeen toivotamme kaikki osallistujat tervetulleiksi festivaalin avajaisjuhliin samassa tilassa.

Halutessasi voit jatkaa kanssamme iltaa festivaalin avajaisesitykseen, osta liput täältä:

ONE SONG -esitys klo 19 Tanssin talossa, lisätiedot ja liput.

Annukka Svanda

Annukka Svanda is a Doctoral Researcher at Aalto University Department of Design, School of Arts, Design and Architecture and a member of the ENCORE (Engaging Co-Design) research group. She is a Master of Arts from the Collaborative and Industrial Design program at Aalto University. Her doctoral thesis aims to leverage service design to support inclusive and just public service development. Annukka has work experience in conducting participatory design with special target groups as well as engaging public organizations in service design processes. Her academic research has been published in Codesign, the International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts as well as the NORDES conference. Committed to inclusivity, she emphasises bringing the results of her academic research work visible in the form of popular sources accessible to the different stakeholders of the research projects.

Simon Allemeersch

Simon Allemeersch is a theatre maker and doctoral researcher in the Department of Social Work and Social Pedagogy at Ghent University. As a theatre maker, he worked for a long time from the inside of the Rabot Towers in Ghent. This artistic trajectory formed the basis for a doctoral research into the lived experience and housing pathways of residents in social high-rise and psychiatry. He is a member of the artist run Lucinda Ra collective, and is associated with arts institution VIERNULVIER and the Museum Dr. Guislain in Ghent.

Fadumo Ali

Fadumo Ali is the founder of Hoiwa Oy, a social and health care company, and in 2021 she was selected for the list of 100 Healthcare Influencers of the Year (Mediuutiset) and Espoo Entrepreneur of the Year 2022.

Fadumo set out to solve the shortage of healthcare employees in Finland. In two years she has brought about multiple changes in the sector, including raising nurse salaries and helping organizations to recruit staff quickly and flexibly. Hoiwa already has over 2500 workers in long and even one-day contracts.

Ahmed Al-Nawas

Ahmed Al-Nawas is a Helsinki-based artist and curator. He holds a master's degree in visual culture from Aalto University and is currently studying in the Decolonizing Architecture program at the Royal Institute of Art in Sweden (KKH). Al-Nawas's recent collaborative projects with artist Minna Henriksson have been featured in various exhibitions, including the Helsinki Biennale, Serlachius Museum, Helsinki Art Museum HAM, and Turku Art Museum. His works can also be found in the Helsinki City Art Collection and the Finnish National Gallery collection. Al-Nawas co-founded two interdisciplinary art spaces in Helsinki: Thirds Space and the Museum of Impossible Forms. The Museum of Impossible Forms was awarded the Finnish Association of Researchers Prize in 2019 and the Finnish State Art Prize in 2020.

Lien Van de Velde

Lien Van de Velde is the director of the city's culture department since 2022 in Ghent. A city where she loves to live and work.

After her studies ‘commercial sciences’, she started as IT - consultant for several international companies and have been working for the City of Ghent for 10 years. Before her current role she was active as an organizational developer, policy officer and chief of cabinet. She was also a board member of several social and cultural organizations in Ghent. In her current job as director, she is also responsible for strategically shaping the candidacy of Ghent as European Capital of Culture in 2030.

Lien is passionate and driven by the organization of our society and culture.

Mania Alkhatib

Mania is an effective, creative professional with leadership experience in multicultural settings. Mania contributes to many sectors: as a translator and interpreter, Mania has extensive experience of both working with commercial texts and website content and facilitating events and meetings. As a land surveyor, Mania has several years’ work experience from both Finland and Syria.
Mania Al Khatib has solid experience of managerial duties having founded and served as the Director of Finnish–Syrian Friendship Society. The Society has, under Mania’s direction, successfully undertaken a number of significant projects and, over the years, grown into a reliable counterpart to governmental partner organisations. In addition, Mania has served as an expert and a trustee of several other organisations, and in steering committees for a number of projects. Mania has been an entrepreneur since 2017.

Nainen hymyilee kameralle.

Daniela Borgström

Daniela Borgström is a masters service design student at Aalto University, currently working on her master’s thesis aiming to graduate during spring. During her professional and academic work, she has been part of several projects using participatory and collaborative methods to discover and explore innovative solutions that resonates with the user and stakeholders.
Her future career goals involve designing and developing services that impact the well-being and health of individuals and communities.

Nainen hymyilee kameralle.